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  SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is the next version of MSDE and is a free, easy-to-use, lightweight, and embeddable version of SQL Server 2005.
Free to download, free to redistribute, free to embed, and easy for new developers to use immediately.

SQL Server Express includes powerful features such as SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, for creating and delivering traditional and interactive reports.
It als includes a powerful graphical management tool, SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, for easily managing your database.

Best of all, as your needs grow, your applications will seamlessly work with the rest of the SQL Server product family.
  Here is a series of Useful Links

SQL Server Express Edition Start here to download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ("SSE").
Add-on - Advanced Services Should include Reporting Services but doesn't.
Add-on - BI Dev Studio Develop Business Intelligence Applications.
Add-on - Reporting Services Introduction - to Microsoft's Reporting Services Page.

Installation -I found it very difficult to install. Check out my question on the MSDN Forum
It seems that :-
"SSMSE is different from the complete SQL Server Management Studio in the following ways:
SSMSE cannot manage Analysis Services, Integration Services, SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, Notification Services, or Reporting Services."

Another answer said :-
First verify IIS has been properly installed on the hosting computer ()...
  • uncheck "Hide advanced configuration options" setting..
  • in the "Feature selection" dialog task wizard, include "Reporting services"
  • after the "installation whistles" I got
    "Reporting Services
    The Reporting Services installation options you specified in Setup determine whether further configuration is required before you can access the report server. If you installed the default configuration, the report server can be used immediately. If you installed just the program files, you must run the Reporting Services Configuration tool to deploy the report server." and it has been properly installed..."

    Tutorials -A collection of very useful Tutorials provided by Microsoft to help you get started.
  • Books - SSE for Dummies Recommended - SS 2005 Express Edition for Dummies - includes a CD ROM which includes SSE with Advanced Services.
    Books - SSE in 24 Hours SS 2005 Express Edition in 24 Hours - includes a CD ROM which includes SSE with Visual Basic.
    Coding4Fun Site Fire up your code editor, open an article, and start coding for fun.
    Coding4Fun Mission Mission Statement.
    Data Models Kick-Start Collections for different Themes and Vertical Applications, including CRM and Customers, e-Commerce, Education, Entertainment, Health and Fitness, Law Enforcement Transport and Travel and the Top Ten Global Favorites (taken from those most in demand around the world).
    Download Page Start here to Download SSE.
    Expression Web Designer A State-of-the-Art replacement for Front Page.
    Kid's Progamming Language Progammimg can be fun for Kids !.
    Migration from Access SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access.
    Migration from Access (Docum'tion) You will find Documentation half-way down the page.
    Online Magazine SQL Server Magazine
    SQL Server Central Excellent reference for expertise and source code for SQL Server
    Starter Kits for SQL Svr 2005 Exp A number of useful Kits to get started.
    Starter Kits for Visual Web Dev More useful Starter Kits.
    Teacher Sample Application A Guide from Microsoft.
    Tutorial Tutorials at three levels - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
    Tutorial Data Modelling in the Real World.
    Tutorials Planned Tutorials in line with SSE suggestions for topics.
    Tutorials Understanding a Database Schema.
    Tutorial from Microsoft Getting started with Visual Studio Express.
    Visual Web Developer Express Microsoft's free offering for fast and flexible Web Site Development.
    Visual Web Developer Walkthrough A Step-by-Step Tutorial.
    Web Development Microsoft Technical Article on how to use Visual Web Developer Express.

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