WIP - Work in Progress
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  • Tourist guide to Qatar for iPad in Arabic (and Windsor and Denmark in English) -
  • GoodCoreSoft - iPad Developers in Malaysia


    Specs -
  • BMEWS Data Architecture
  • BMEWS Demo
  • BI on the Beach
  • Data Models for 1,2,3 of getting started.

    Platform choices :-
  • Azure
  • Oracle AppEx
  • Salesforce
  • Zoho Creator

    Get help from eLance, oDesk, PPH

    Step 1. Google or Bing for "ipad application development"
  • oDesk iPad Develepers
    Hi Barry,
    1) Data Modeller's Manifesto
    LinkedIn ERwin discussion about 'pet peeves' about Data Modelling
    2) I�m going to do a MDM demo for my current company.
    However, I need some rough idea how does Claims department works and also
    for HR and PMO team to be able to view employee�s performance and timesheet.
    I would much appreciate if you could provide some Data Model to assist me
    designing a basic data model for my demo.
    Thank you again.
    Sharon Liew
    eMAIL : " Sharon Angela" sharon.angela@adv-fusionex.com
    FusionEx Web Site (MS Global BI Partner of the Year)
    Windows Azure Login (dba_requests@barryw.org)